Achievement are disabled in multiplayer, with the exception of Last Man Standing. To unlock or progress in an achievement, you must play without mods. Achievements do not work when mods are enabled. Achievements require a Steam version of Civilization V (The Mac Campaign Edition does not work with these achievements). Because of the different ordering and length of the document, I recommend using the find feature of your browser to locate information on a particular achievement. This order differs from the listing on Steam and the debug file. I have grouped all achievements into categories that explain the type of achievement. I welcome input and corrections where needed. I will not say there are no mistakes here, this guide is always under constant revision and improvements. I have found, however, that the notes in this guide have been almost completely accurate in unlocking those achievements. At the time of writing this, I have not unlocked all of these achievements (my current count is actually 60%). Through examining various sources, beginning with the debug log, I was able to sort and organize every achievement in the game, and discover the actual unlock conditions for most of them. It began as a dissection of the file achievements_debug.log, which is used in tracking achievements, as well as a response to a number of inaccurate claims of broken achievements.
This guide contains all the information on how to unlock and track every Steam achievement in Civilization V.